Mission and Vision

Growing in Christian faith, Living God’s way, Giving in Christian service and Sharing the Good News of Jesus

At St George’s we focus on four areas of mission and discipleship:

Growing in Christian faith

No matter how long we have been Christian believers, each one of us needs to continue to learn and grow, and we all need to learn and grow as a church. We need to grow in Christ, sharing our faith with those around us. 

To help nurture and encourage this growth, we seek to reflect these principles in our worship (including preaching, teaching and music), prayer, study and fellowship. 

Our prayer is to see God’s people grow and St George’s develop more as a thriving and witnessing Christian community.

Living God’s way

Jesus was concerned that people were too much concerned about living their lives their own way and not God’s way. In our own day, we can increasingly see the world’s lifestyles at odds with what we believe to be an authentic Christian lifestyle. More and more, it seems to us, the church is called to be counter-cultural, sometimes going against the dominant views of society. 

We need to remember that our faith as Christians is about more than what we believe and belonging to a church fellowship: it is also a matter of our behaviour and how we conduct our lives. 

We want to encourage one another to learn what it means to ‘Live God’s way’ – following Jesus’ example – and put what we learn into practice.

As such, we believe we are called to be prophetic people – not only the yeast in the mix but also the beacon on the hill.

Giving in Christian service

Jesus set us the supreme example of what it means to be a ‘servant of all’. How can we follow that example, as we see Jesus meeting people ‘at the point of their need’? 

St George’s is set in a wonderful position in the middle of Gravesend, welcoming large numbers of visitors. We want to share our Christian faith with those around us. We also want to serve the people of our parish in practical ways, from social action to simply being a listening ear. With a wide range of community facilities on our doorstep, we want to reach out to them as well as to the people who live, work, shop, and spend leisure time in the parish. 

We want to be at the heart of our community, both reaching out to people where they are and welcoming them in to take part in a wide range of activities.

Sharing the Good News of Jesus

As each of us go about ‘Living God’s way’ and ‘Giving in Christian service’ we have the opportunity to share the Good News of Jesus through word and action.

… in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.

1 Peter 3:15

Our hope is that people will come to know Jesus for themselves and then in turn, and in the company of others, ‘Grow’, ‘Live’, ‘Give’, and ‘Share’ together.
