Thank you for your visit to St George’s Church Gravesend’s website. We hope that you’ll find the information you’re looking for.
St George’s is the parish church of Gravesend, situated close to the River Thames and at the heart of Gravesend’s town centre. Our white spire can be seen from almost all over the town.
As a church, we meet regularly for worship, prayer and learning – with services in church on Wednesday mornings as well as on Sunday mornings and evenings. Members of our congregation come from a range of backgrounds, and people of any age are welcome to join us. We offer a warm welcome to families. Our youngest member is just a few months old and our oldest is now over 100! Some have been firm Christian believers for a number of years while others have just started exploring the Christian faith and what it means to them. We look to offer support and encouragement to all.
Our Children and Families Worker is very much involved with the life of the church and the wider community. On Sundays, we have JAM (Jesus and Me) for younger children and a Pathfinders youth group. During the week, special activities are available for children and families, with the increasingly popular Who Let The Dads Out? taking place once a month.
During the week, too, groups meet for Bible study and prayer – an important part of life at St George’s. There are other social groups, such as the Womens’ Fellowship, the Men’s Fellowship, the Knitting Group and a team of keen bell ringers.
Running through all that we do is a belief that our Christian faith is not just for Sundays but for every day.
We work closely with other churches in the area through, for example, active membership of Churches Together in Gravesham.
St George’s hosts a number of concerts during the year and its fine acoustics are much appreciated by performers and audience alike.
Our church hall is in use every day and is popular with a range of community groups as well as for church-based activities.
The present church was built in 1733 and attracts many visitors, mainly because of our connection with Pocahontas who, according to legend, was buried here. We very much value and appreciate our American connections and welcome a growing number of visitors each year.