Bell Ringing
St George’s has a fine set of eight bells. Over the last year a small number of beginners, together with experienced ringers, have formed a ringing group, enabling the bells to be rung again. We practise on Tuesday evenings from 7.30 to 9.00pm and ring regularly on a Sunday from 9.30 to 10am, prior to the morning service.
Occasionally the bells are played at other times for special services and events such as weddings and the Queen’s birthday, as well as by visiting bands of ringers on tour.
We welcome experienced ringers to join us at practices and on Sundays and from time to time we are able to accept those looking to ‘learn the ropes’. There is no requirement to be strong but ringers should be over 13 years of age and certain medical conditions might exclude an individual from learning to ring.
Contact 01474 532505