For almost 300 years, this historic building has been a place of prayer and worship where people have come to hear God’s word and live out the Gospel of Christ in faithful service.
Many of the noteworthy features in the church mark the faithful lives and worship of parishioners, and call to mind the many, many tasks performed by countless numbers of people, all beloved of God.
We were thrilled to recently welcome the historian, Alun Butler to St George’s for a visit. Alun has made several films about the history of Churches in South-East London and Kent, which you can find on his YouTube channel. Big thank you to Alun for allowing us to have these on our website and a massive thank you to our local historian, Christoph Bull who has shared his depth of knowledge of Gravesend, St George’s and the history of Pocahontas.
Sources of Information
Gravesham Library,
Windmill Street,
The library has a Local Studies section with books and other information about St George’s and Pocahontas.
Gravesend Historical Society
Kent History and Library Centre
Medway (including St George’s Church parish records)