The Present Building – The Stained Glass

The East Window

The East Window – The Risen Lord – and its supporting panels come from the old chancel and were presented by Col. Gladdish in 1866 in memory of his wife, Elizabeth.

The Chancel Windows

The other chancel windows – The Good Shepherd and Christ at the Door, together with the small panels (out of view now on the north side) of three of the Evangelists and their symbols – date from 1892, the year the chancel was extended. The name of the artist is not known but all the staining in the group is thought to be the work of the same person. The Good Shepherd and Christ at the Door were presented by ‘the Ladies’ and ‘the Children’ of the congregation respectively.

The Nave Windows

The two nave windows were cut in 1914 and filled with stained glass presented by the Society of Colonial Dames of America in the State of Virginia as a memorial to Princess Pocahontas. The south window represents the Old Testament figure of Ruth and the north, Rebecca, another woman of the Old Testament, whose name Pocahontas took at her baptism.

Both incorporate cartouches of Pocahontas in their bottom right hand corners. Also shown are Pocahontas’ baptism in one and Ruth accompanying Naomi in the other. Within the borders are American plants – Virginia creeper, dogwood, saragas and redbud.

The South Wall Windows

With one exception, all the stained glass in the south wall dates from the 1890s. Starting from the east end they are as follows:

Upper: Christ in the midst of his disciples
Lower: The Risen Lord with Peter and disciples by Clayton & Bell
Both are memorials to Robert Joynes, Rector for forty-six years, and his wife Anna Maria. Robert followed his father Richard Joynes, who was Rector for twelve years.

Upper: St George by Powell
A memorial to Robert Coles Arnold and his wife Sarah. His father was a member of an old Gravesend family and three times mayor (1796, 1806 & 1813). One of his sons, the celebrated George Matthew Arnold, was mayor eight times between 1890 & 1906.
Lower: The Good Samaritan by Heaton, Butler & Baynes
A memorial to Frederick Beckley Nettlingham, who was mayor in 1878 and 1879.

Upper: Christ in the Garden by Moore & Son
Donated by Mrs Catherine Hayes Leveridge in memory of her husband William Leveridge, her father Joseph Spraggon and her grandfather William Spraggon, who was mayor in 1790.
Lower: The Empty Tomb by Heaton, Butler & Baynes
In memory of Elizabeth Boorman

Upper: The Annunciation by Moore & Son
Presented in 1899 by Mary Ann Beddingford in memory of her parents Charles and Elizabeth Pearson.
Lower: The Ascension
In memory of Richard and Martha Lygo. It was given in 1887 and placed originally at the east window of the North Aisle. It was moved to its present position in 1952 to replace a window, Christ Walking on the Water, which was badly damaged when the church was closed for a time.
