Home Groups
Home groups are informal gatherings in a person’s home to study the Bible together in an atmosphere where people feel able to share opinions, discuss issues that may arise, support and pray for each other. They allow time for discussion and debate that often doesn’t happen in church.
We have five home groups at St George’s, one of which has been meeting for just one year and another for 26 years. Each group has its own distinct character and format (some meeting weekly, others every other week, while one group likes to share a meal together each week) but are assured of refreshment – both physical and spiritual – at all.
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.
Psalm 119:105
Each group chooses what it wants to study at any given time, be it a book of the Bible or a particular current issue to consider how God speaks into that. Resources can be found online or at Christian bookshops and there are resources available from church if inspiration is needed.
Home groups are an invaluable way to nurture your faith and develop a growing sense of closeness with God in a friendly, relaxed environment.