Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy Statement
St George’s Church regards safeguarding children and vulnerable adults, and good working practice, as a top priority.
We seek to welcome everyone into the life of the church, including those who for whatever reason may be considered as vulnerable or marginalised. We commit ourselves to the nurturing, protection and safeguarding of all children, young people and vulnerable adults associated with our church.
With this in mind, St George’s Church is committed to ensuring that those working with children, young people, and vulnerable adults who require a disclosure and barring (DBS) check have undergone this check at enhanced level.
In the interests of the safety and well-being of all children, young people and vulnerable adults, St George’s has and operates a Safeguarding and Protection Policy for both children and vulnerable adults.
All members of the church community who work with children, young people and vulnerable adults:
- are adequately trained and supervised
- understand and follow the Church’s Protection/Safeguarding Policy.
St George’s Church PCC has appointed Pat Broad as Lead Recruiter and co-ordinator of all safeguarding work in the church, with Alison Webzell as Assistant Recruiter.
Alison is also the Church’s Child and Vulnerable Adults Protection Officer. Alison is known to all who work with our children and vulnerable adults and her contact details are placed on the notice board in the church hall.
St George’s Church has its own Safeguarding/Child Protection Policy which has been written using the Rochester Diocesan Safeguarding/Child Protection policy guidelines. In the case of any child protection concerns the parish will seek the advice of the Rochester Diocese and, if appropriate, will contact the relevant statutory authority/ies.
St George’s also has its own Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults policy, again written using the Rochester Diocesan Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults policy and, in the case of any concerns, will seek advice of the Rochester Diocese and, if appropriate, will contact the relevant authority/ies.
St George’s Church is committed to:
- exercise care in the appointment of those working with children, young people and vulnerable adults in the church
- seek support for all those affected by abuse
- be committed to supporting and resourcing those who work with children and young people and provide regular supervision
- review both the Child and Vulnerable Adults Protection and Safeguarding policies annually and amend accordingly.
Should you have any concerns in relation to any Safeguarding/Child Protection/Vulnerable Adults matter, please contact Pat Broad or Alison Webzell by telephone or email, either at in the first instance, or directly if required.
Diocesan Contacts
Anthony Glockling
Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser
07825 315748