I am Emma Oliver, the Children and Families Worker for St George’s Church. I was born in Stoke on Trent and moved to Gravesend in 2013 for my degree in Children and Families Work and Ministry through Oasis College of Higher Education. Whilst I was studying at Oasis, St George’s Church was my placement church and fortunately they were able to employ me once I had graduated. So, I have been in the full-time post with the church since September 2015.
I am very privileged to say that I have the best job in the world: I love what I get to do! I have a passion for children and their families and understand that family life in the 21st century is not always easy, but I pray that I’m able to be a person of love and support to all those I meet.
In my spare time I love to be near (or, even better, in) the sea, to read, zumba and catch a good film at the cinema with friends. My friends would say that no matter what I’m doing there will be a line of a song that keeps escaping from my mouth and driving me and everyone around me to distraction because very often it’s only one line of a song and not necessarily the right words or the right tune!